With the temperatures rising as we dive deeper into the summer season, the fire and water elements of the pitta dosha are becoming increasingly present in the hot, humid, incendiary air around us. We can feel that in our physical bodies, but also in the form of emotional and mental irritation, inflammation, and fiery drive to do, and play, more in the long days of summer sun.
In this immersive workshop, you’ll learn about and experience Ayurvedic routines and practices to balance excess heat in any form. We’ll review the basics of the three doshas, or constitutions, and how each interacts with the pitta dosha that’s dominant in summertime; share nutrition and self-care guidelines for balancing pitta; and enjoy a luscious restorative practice with cooling pranayama and hands-on assists, and light post-class refreshments to bring you to the ultimate state of chill even when the weather is hot.
You can sign up to nurture yourself here: Nurture Your Nature: Restorative Ayurvedic Yoga Workshop